Teijin Aramid’s Carbon Nanotube Fibers Given Paul Schlack Prize

ARNHEM, Holland — September 25, 2014 — Researchers of Teijin Aramid, headquartered the Netherlands, and Rice University were being awarded with the honorary ‘Paul Schlack Man-Made Fibers Prize’ for corporate-academic partnerships in fiber research. Specific new super fibers are now going innovation in aerospace, healthcare, very popular, and (smart) clothing.

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The honorary Paul Schlack prize was of course by the European Man-made Fibers Conjonction to Dr . Marcin Otto, Organisation Development Manager at Teijin Aramid and Prof. Dr . Matteo Pasquali from Rice University Texas, on the development of a new generation super fibres using carbon nanotubes (CNT). The perfect super fibers combine high temperature and electrical conductivity, as witnessed in metals, with the flexibility, robust supervising and strength of textile fibres.

“The introduction of carbon nanotube fibers marked the beginning of a series of refinements in various industries”, says Marcin Otto, Business Development Manager at Teijin Aramid. “For example, CNT fibres can be lifesaving for heart clientele: one string of CNT textile in the cardiac muscle suffices that will transmit vital electrical pulses with the heart. Or by replacing in addition to the in data cables and light potency cables by CNT fibers it is possible to make satellites, aircraft on top of that high end cars lighter and more prestigious at the same time. ”

Since 1971, the actual Paul Schlack foundation annually grants or loans one monetary prize to an consumer young researcher for outstanding investigating in the field of fiber research, and a very honorary prize to the leader(s) of fantastic academic and corporate research partnerships to research at universities and investigating institutes.

For several years, leading researchers by Rice University and Teijin Aramid worked together on the development of CNT production. Teijin Aramid and Grain University published their research information on carbon nanotubes fibers within your leading scientific journal, Science, starting up of 2013.

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